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3/21/20: State of Illinois Stay-at-Home Order Announced



Announced Friday: March 20, 2020 at 3:00 PM briefing

The attorneys at Pappas Wright, P.C. are devoting their constant attention to COVID-19 developments and are devoted to helping clients navigate this unchartered territory. Governor Pritzker, following the efforts of other states, issued a Stay-At Home Order for the entire State of Illinois today during his 3:00 PM press briefing.

We understand that with a Friday afternoon announcement and Saturday implementation, our QC businesses and clients are left with hours to make significant operational decisions. Our team will continue to field questions and help identify solutions to respond to the Stay-at-Home Order. To help facilitate a better understanding, we have attached a copy of the Stay-at-Home Order here and provided a summary of the highlights below.

GOES INTO EFFECT: Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 5:00 PM
EXPIRES: Tuesday, April 7, 2020


The Stay-at-Home order now prohibits:

  • All public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a single household or living unit;
  • ll travel by car, motorcycle, train, plane or public transit except for essential travel and essential activities;
  • Any group gathering of 10 people or more;
  • All businesses and operations in the State of Illinois (except for Essential Businesses & Operations) must cease all activity within the state except Minimum Basic Operations.


The Stay-at-Home order allows citizens to leave their homes for (1) essential activities or (2) to work at an essential business or operation.

Citizens are allowed to leave their home:

  • For health and safety
  • For necessary supplies and services (groceries, household products, supplies needed to work from home)
  • For outdoor activity (practice social distancing)
  • For certain types of work (see below)
  • To take care of others
  • For Essential Activities, including:
  • Healthcare and Public Health Operations
  • Human Services Operations
  • Essential Infrastructure (examples: food production, construction, cybersecurity operations)
  • Essential Governmental Functions
  • Essential Businesses and Operations

Essential Businesses & Operations include:

  1. Stores that sell groceries and medicine
  2. Food, beverage, and cannabis production and agriculture
  3. Organizations that provide charitable and social services
  4. Media
  5. Gas stations and businesses needed for transportation
  6. Financial institutions
  7. Hardware and supply stores
  8. Critical trades
  9. Mail, post, shipping, logistics, delivery, and pick-up services
  10. Educational institutions (Does not supersede COVID-19 Executive Order No. 3 & 4)
  11. Laundry services
  12. Restaurants for consumption off-premises
  13. Supplies to work from home
  14. Supplies for Essential Businesses and Operations
  15. Transportation (includes Uber/Lyft)
  16. Home-based care and services
  17. Residential facilities and shelters
  18. Professional services (legal, accounting, etc.)
  19. Day care centers for employees exempted by this Executive Order
  20. Manufacture, distribution, and supply chain for critical products and industries
  21. Critical labor union functions
  22. Hotels and motels
  23. Funeral services

We will continue to provide updates to help out in any way that we can.